Protecting People's Rights & Freedom

contact us for help

Confidential Case Analysis.

  • Hunter provides a thorough case analysis. He will gather information about the charge(s). Explain the legal process and answer your questions. Hunter offers guidance on how your case can be handled and the potential outcomes.

  • You should bring any relevant documents related to your case, including charging documents, bail bond, and any reports you may have received.

  • The consult last as long as it takes to provide the information needed, explain the process, and answer questions. The typical consult last between 30-45 minutes. Hunter charges a one time fe of $200.00 for a consult. This fee is deducted from the retainer fee if you choose to hire Hunter to represent you.


➤ location

88 Hammond Street, Suite 301, Bangor, Maine 04401 

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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