Protecting People's Rights & Freedom

Bangor OUI-DUI Defense Lawyer

Penobscot County OUI Defense.

Bangor OUI DUI Defense Lawyer.

Hunter J. Tzovarras represents people accused of operating under the influence (OUI DUI) throughout Penobscot County in the Bangor, Newport, Lincoln and Millinocket courts.

With an office located in Bangor, Penobscot County is considered Hunter’s home court. He has represented hundreds of clients before the Penobscot County courts and familiar with local practices and procedures.

The Penobscot County District Attorney has a tough policy on OUI charges. The DA’s Office will rarely agree to reduce or dismiss an OUI once charged. The only way to avoid an OUI conviction in Penobscot County is to successfully litigate a motion to suppress or an acquittal at trial.

Hunter is an experienced OUI DUI defense attorney handling all types of operating under the influence (OUI DUI DWI) charges in Bangor and Penobscot County, including alcohol, drug, and marijuana OUIs, chemical test refusals, ATV & boat OUI charges, aggravated OUI, and OUI charges resulting in death or vehicular manslaughter.


Our Office

88 Hammond Street
Bangor, Maine 04401
(207) 941-8443